NTFS Stream Explorer

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NTFS Stream Explorer

Messagede s.weber » 27 Octobre 2009, 10:01

Malheureusement, je ne parle pas le français... but I would like to contribute to this extraordinary portable apps collection :)

Langues : En
Compatibilité : Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP/2003/Vista
Licence: Freeware.
Description de l'auteur:
Stream Explorer will show you the number of streams in each file as they are listed per folder.

When you select a directory entry, Stream Explorer will list all the streams in that entry, and you can see their type, their size and contents. The unnamed stream is shown as <default>.

Avantages: Without tools it is very hard to see other than the default streams of files and folders. NTFS Streams are the most convenient way to store metadata to files and folders, though it is not used widely yet. Often backup programs or antivir toolkits store information in alternate streams, such as checksums, last backup dates etc.

Test multi-antivirus: nothing
Le site : http://www.rekenwonder.com/
Page de téléchargement : http://www.rekenwonder.com/streamexplorer.htm

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 4
Inscription: 16 Octobre 2009, 22:46

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