Scribus, Gantt Project, DIA
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Re: Scribus, Gantt Project, DIAsalut,
GanttProject a bien évolué depuis quelques mois, aussi est-ce que son intégration pourrait être remise au gout du jour ? Page de licences : GanttProject is free software. Its code is covered by a number of different opensource licenses. The full list of them is available on the license page. Getting all of them right is a tough task. A short summary below will give you an idea of what you can do with GanttProject, but keep in mind that devil is in the details, and if you really care, you should consult with your lawyer. You may use unmodified binaries for any purposes, including commercial usage. You don't have to pay anything for using GanttProject. You have an access to the source code and you are allowed to modify the sources of GanttProject. If you redistribute modified binaries of GanttProject, you must provide all the sources to the receiver of a binary copy on his first request. Modifications should be covered by the same license as the original sources. If you don't make your modifications publicly available, you don't have to publish the modified sources. Merci.
Re: Scribus, Gantt Project, DIADes nouvelles à propos de l'intégtration de GanttProject ? ( actuellement en v266 )
serais ravi de retrouver cette appli sur ma liberkey
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