Error checking Liberkey updates

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Error checking Liberkey updates

Messagede catomy1 » 25 Août 2019, 22:24

TI send some weeks trying to update my applications, both for the program option and from the page directly (Online), methods that I had previously used successfully and I only get a small window of informative error:

Liberkey Apps Version Cheker v1.3.204
An error occurred while trying to recover the
Liberkey updates information.
Do you have Internet access on this computer?

The only way I can update them is to download the applications from the page using the (OffLine Setup) method and install them from my PC, yes, one by one.

Obviously I have access to the internet, disable antivirus, I put an exception in the Firewall, restored file HOST, I connected to another WiFi Signal, and yet I could not update the suite.

Could you help me with this problem, thank you very much in advance.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 5
Inscription: 12 Octobre 2010, 01:31

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