LK doesn't work copying on another PC

A problem using LiberKey ?
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LK doesn't work copying on another PC

Messagede lego74it » 19 Décembre 2015, 13:46

Hi dudes,

I'm new on that board, nice to meet you all.

I've searched some help in the forum but without success so.... here I am to ask support! :)

This is my situation:

- I have LK on the PC in my office (win7 32bit) and, because of some firewalls, it is outdated.
- To let LK updated, I copied the whole "LiberKey" directory on a USB pen while ALL of the applications were shutted down.
- I copied the USB pen's content on the PC at home (win7 64bit) in the SAME path of my PC at work, creating an user named like the office's one. The directory is C:\Users\<work user>\Documents\Apps\LiberKey as well as the work PC.
- LiberKeyMenu.exe apparently runs fine, it shows every apps I have but with a DEFAULT ICON...


When I click on one of them, the application won't start and an explorer window on the LiberKeyMenu is opened.

Lurking in that forum, I've try to update the LK engine using the beta channel (CTRL+left click) and the LKPortabilizer is updatet (also a romanian language file)

But the problem persists...

And also, when I try to update the applications, the same explorer window on LiberKeyMenu directory is opened.

I have LK version 5.8.1129

Any help to solve that issue?

Thanks for your support

Have a nice day

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 19 Décembre 2015, 13:11

Re: LK doesn't work copying on another PC

Messagede snoopyeab » 19 Décembre 2015, 16:16

There are two things I could say:
1. The directory names have to be the same (exactly) on the old and new PC.
2. Most of the time, this problem does not appear if you install Liberkey in the root directory i.e. C:\Liberkey

I've copied the system a couple of times from older to newer and to and from USB sticks and never had any problem. I even think that 32 or 64 bit does not matter.

Good luck and please report any progress for further help
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Re: LK doesn't work copying on another PC

Messagede lego74it » 20 Décembre 2015, 17:49

Hello snoopyeab, thanks for your reply.

snoopyeab a écrit:1. The directory names have to be the same (exactly) on the old and new PC.

Yes, the directory name was exactly the same.

snoopyeab a écrit:There are two things I could say:
2. Most of the time, this problem does not appear if you install Liberkey in the root directory i.e. C:\Liberkey

...uhm... Now that you told me that suggestion, I forgot to say that the original installation was on a SUBSTed drive (named U:), and that virtual drive was linked on the directory told before. This configuration was made on both PC.


LK was installed on
Code: Tout sélectionner
C:\Users\<work user>\Documents\Apps\LiberKey

and SUBSTed drive U: was
Code: Tout sélectionner
C:\Users\<work user>\Documents\

Thus, if you type DIR U: you see

Code: Tout sélectionner
Directory of U:\

11/03/2015  11:38 PM    <DIR>          .
11/03/2015  11:38 PM    <DIR>          ..
12/20/2015  12:23 PM    <DIR>          Apps

and, inside the Apps directory:

Code: Tout sélectionner
Directory of u:\apps

12/20/2015  12:23 PM    <DIR>          .
12/20/2015  12:23 PM    <DIR>          ..
12/20/2015  12:24 PM    <DIR>          LiberKey

Launching LKMenu from virtual drive U: has no effect...

I think I have to reinstall LiberKey from scratch in a directory created on the root.


How I can move apps settings from the work installation to the newest one?

Thank you very much.

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 19 Décembre 2015, 13:11

Re: LK doesn't work copying on another PC

Messagede Dji » 20 Décembre 2015, 23:24

Don't use virtual drives, don't use "Users" folder at all and try something like "<drive>\Apps\Portable\Liberkey" indeed.
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Re: LK doesn't work copying on another PC

Messagede snoopyeab » 20 Décembre 2015, 23:30

Sorry for my late reply,
I don't see something wrong, even when I check other items in the support menu, I don't find a similar problem...
Before starting from scratch, which will cost a lot of time, I would try one more time copying the whole directory.
The only possible problem I could imagine is:
Even though you use a substitute command, it is possible that in the Liberkey config files, the real path is copied so the paths don't appear the same. I just noticed Dji has beaten me to an answer, so use both :-)
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Re: LK doesn't work copying on another PC

Messagede lego74it » 02 Juin 2016, 21:17

Hello guyZ,

sorry for the long delay, because of a hard work in the last 6 month, I can try your suggestion just today.


Even if I put the whole directory of LK on the root, the problem still persist.


I would try to check some configuration files, especially of the LiberKeyPortabilizer.

Do you suggest me some configuration files I have to check to try to solve this issue?

Thank you very much

Cheers from Florence, Italy
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 19 Décembre 2015, 13:11

Re: LK doesn't work copying on another PC

Messagede Dji » 03 Juin 2016, 09:32

Liberkey is portable, des not try to modify them to look for folders configuration, they does not exists :)
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Re: LK doesn't work copying on another PC

Messagede lego74it » 03 Juin 2016, 10:13

Yes, I know that is not possible because of it's a portable suite :lol:


I cannot use my LK on my home PC and this makes me in trouble. :nocom: :S :dry: :blink: :unsure:
So I would like to know if there is something "dirty" in my LK :-(

Any other help or suggestion?

If not, next try will be:

1) OS installation from scratch (even if home PC is near to scratch, because I haven't time to use it after the OS installation)
2) copying the LK directory into a directory in the root of my HDD
3) pray the "divine bit" god :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

I'll let you know as soon as possible :)

See you
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 10
Inscription: 19 Décembre 2015, 13:11

Re: LK doesn't work copying on another PC

Messagede snoopyeab » 03 Juin 2016, 10:58

How about this solution then:
Create a new Liberkey on a large enough USB stick, populate it with the programs you would like to have on it, probably what you have in your office right now, and then use Liberkey in your office from the USB stick. The only setback would be it takes just a little longer to load, but you can cut that by using a USB 3.0 stick.
Of course this will only work if you can run something from a USB-stick in your office but I think so because you could also copy the " old" Liberkey from it.
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Re: LK doesn't work copying on another PC

Messagede Dji » 03 Juin 2016, 11:26

@lego74it: just to be 100% sure: you do not use any "network" or "virtual" drive ? You use "physical" real drive letter, right ?

Please also give us your LiberKey LinkOutils LiberKey >> Configuration >> Technical informations, thanks.
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