Problems with Liberkey windows at higher DPIs

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Problems with Liberkey windows at higher DPIs

Messagede madth3 » 16 Août 2010, 07:02


I'm a new user of Liberkey and I hit some problems during installation and configuration. (I looked for something similar in the forums but could not find this same syntoms. I apologize if they have been reported already in the french forums). I have included some links to pictures.

The Download page said that version 5 was recommended so I just downloaded that.

  1. Installation window is a bit small horizontally and cannot be resized. I can see the sizes and a small part of the progress bar. Selecting a suite works. (Figure 1)
  2. Configuration windows show no images. When I select different options They seem to work but show no content except for the lists in "Languages" and "Technical Information". And clicking in the blank space in the option "Color" seems to work changing the theme of the window. (Figure 2)

My info:
  • Windows XP SP3
  • Installation on D:\Liberkey (with plenty of free space)
  • LiberKey 5 Beta (Downloaded Aug 15)

Can't find how to copy & paste the list of technical information but below are some data. (Full data on figure 3.)
  • LiberKey Inst -
  • LiberKey Menu -
  • LiberKey Configuration -

I hope there is some explanation of fix for this problems because this suite seems to have a good menu and a great installation program.

Figure 1:

Figure 2:

Figure 3:
Dernière édition par madth3 le 20 Août 2010, 00:31, édité 1 fois.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 4
Inscription: 16 Août 2010, 06:25

Re: Problems with Liberkey windows

Messagede MicketsBR » 19 Août 2010, 17:32

I've had some problems (not like this, though) caused by the video card. Try installing on another computer. Try disabling the video card enhancements. Try switching the screen resolution and back again.
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Inscription: 24 Novembre 2009, 15:45

Re: Problems with Liberkey windows

Messagede madth3 » 19 Août 2010, 23:04


Thanks MicketBR.
Before reading your post I thought of installing LiberKey in my work computer and it worked without a problem (And now I have LiberKey at work!). I thought of a possible cause but I just had the chance to check it.

The problem seems to be with the computer using a bigger DPI than the default. If I switch back to 96 DPI everything works as it should.

But I had this custom setting for a reason, so this is not exactly a solution.

Any ideas?
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 4
Inscription: 16 Août 2010, 06:25

Re: Problems with Liberkey windows

Messagede Dji » 19 Août 2010, 23:21

Sorry [Solved] was my mistake
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Re: Problems with Liberkey windows

Messagede madth3 » 20 Août 2010, 00:30

Well, I can use Liberkey, install/remove apps (upgrade should work too but had no chance to update anything yet).
The only thing I can't do is to configure Liberkey. :unsure:

@Dji No mistake, there was no "Solved" tag in the forum.
I used the "Solved?" as an indication of the question in my mind of whether finding the cause is equivalent to solving the problem, sorry for the confusion. :blush:
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 4
Inscription: 16 Août 2010, 06:25

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