Error "Failed to set data for ASuite" (English please)

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Error "Failed to set data for ASuite" (English please)

Messagede iq62ut36 » 03 Août 2009, 20:47

Since Windows Vista I receive an error "Failed to set data for ASuite". I noticed that it has been discussed on this forum, but can someone give me an English answer. I'm Dutch but my French is bad (sorry though).

I.Q. Ut
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 5
Inscription: 26 Juin 2009, 21:50

Re:Error "Failed to set data for ASuite" (English please)

Messagede Laurentxp » 03 Août 2009, 21:26

Hi, look here
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Inscription: 27 Mars 2007, 23:37

Re:Error "Failed to set data for ASuite" (English please)

Messagede andromede_dc » 03 Août 2009, 21:41

Good evening,

In addition to Laurent,
in "LiberKey\Apps\Asuite", there is backups of the file "ASuite.xml" (ASuite.xml.001.bak to ASuite.xml.010.bak)

Using the most recent backups.
Rename "ASuite.xml.010.bak" to "ASuite.xml"
Iron Boarder
Iron Boarder
Messages: 600
Inscription: 28 Octobre 2007, 22:55


Messagede iq62ut36 » 03 Août 2009, 21:49

andromede_dc écrit:
Good evening,

In addition to Laurent,
in "LiberKey\Apps\Asuite", there is backups of the file "ASuite.xml" (ASuite.xml.001.bak to ASuite.xml.010.bak)

Using the most recent backups.
Rename "ASuite.xml.010.bak" to "ASuite.xml"

thanks for the answer; will that permanently solve my problem?

I.Q. Ut
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 5
Inscription: 26 Juin 2009, 21:50


Messagede andromede_dc » 03 Août 2009, 22:27

iq62ut36 écrit:
thanks for the answer; will that permanently solve my problem?

In computer, I don't know if something is permanent.
But, if that day arrives, there will be no backup in "Asuite".
Iron Boarder
Iron Boarder
Messages: 600
Inscription: 28 Octobre 2007, 22:55

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