Using 64 bit apps versions

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Using 64 bit apps versions

Messagede eindacochea » 11 Novembre 2010, 06:08

There are many applications that have 64 bit versions available for download, however, Liberkey only downloads and update the available 32 versions (for example: Nirsoft apps such as OpenedFilesView, USBDview, RegFromApp, RegScanner, FileTypesMan, CurrPorts, etc.) and in other cases 64 bit apps versions are downloaded but only the 32 bits apps are run by Liberkey (such as Ccleaner).

For an optimal operation on a 64 bits Win 7 OS, Is possible to manually download the 64 bit versions from the author website and place them in the corresponding application folders (modifying the .exe name if necessary)? Would it work? If so, I suppose that it would be necessary to repeat the operation for each update.

Or should I wait until a Liberkey 64 bit version is available?

I know that some 32 bit apps will run OK on a 64 bits system, but some will either not run at all or present some deficiencies or risks.

I would appreciate any comments or advise.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 11 Novembre 2010, 05:44

Re: Using 64 bit apps versions

Messagede skybird » 11 Novembre 2010, 13:06

Hello eindacochea.

eindacochea a écrit:however, Liberkey only downloads and update the available 32 versions

LiberKey provides and updates 32 bits and 64 bits versions for some applications.
When you run one of this applications, the switch between x64 and x86 binaries is managed by the LiberKeyPortabilizer depending on which OS you are. You have no action to perform.


And other will be added regularly.
Gold Boarder
Gold Boarder
Messages: 1766
Inscription: 10 Octobre 2007, 10:45

Re: Using 64 bit apps versions

Messagede matzscho » 09 Juillet 2011, 16:00

Hi Liberkey-Team, Hi Skybird,

i'm new with Liberkey and I totally love it. Nice Interface, nice Features and almost realy simple configuration makes this application the best i've tested so far ;)
But I have one Question at all.
How can I implement my own Software with a 32- and a 64-Bit Version in Liberkey?
The Nirsoft Launcher does make it with a XML-Config file where I can assign the Path for both Versions.
Is this also possible in Liberkey? And if it is, how can configure it?

Thank you for your answer(s) and keep on with this exquisite Launcher ---

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 09 Juillet 2011, 15:48

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