Few programs i carry on my usb and cant find on liberkey

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Re:Few programs i carry on my usb and cant find on liberkey

Messagede JP4U » 25 Juin 2009, 09:05

Hello hasamba and thanks for these list.

There are software that aren't in the liberkey because there are other software that are better or equivalent : I think for example : Recuva <==> PhotoRec .
There are also software that aren't in the liberkey because there are difficulties with license or author's permission for integration.:dry: .

Have you verified if there aren't already proposed in the forum "Proposition de Logiciel" ?

For a better treatment we use some rules http://www.liberkey.com/forum/propositions-de-logiciels/2170-propositions-de-logiciels.html.
Sorry this page is in french, (I've not already time for proposed a trad for the moment, I'm working for proposed an english help for the Liberkey on forum).

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Re:Few programs i carry on my usb and cant find on liberkey

Messagede hasamba » 25 Juin 2009, 09:20

1. thank you for a lovely software
2. photorec is for memory cards
3. i didnt search the entire forum just look at a few pages, for example i also use "everything" but i saw that someone already publish that.
4. there are programs that are better for example regseeker is better (for my opinion) for registry cleaning than the software already on liberkey, i think that an optional would be good, like "screamer radio" that you need to install manually if you want.

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 21 Juin 2009, 13:46

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