Path or Name Problem with Chinese Characters . Please Help.

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Path or Name Problem with Chinese Characters . Please Help.

Messagede madkao » 18 Novembre 2012, 10:25

It's so weird that when you have a Folder structure like this:

D:\Library\Downloads\000 Inbox\斯塔夫里阿诺斯 - 全球通史_从史前史到21世纪\全球通史(上下册)\

"全球通史:1500年以后的世界 - 下.pdf"
"Scrapbook Tutorial - 1.2.pdf"

Pic from

"全球通史:1500年以后的世界 - 下.pdf" = "Scrapbook Tutorial - 1.2.pdf"

"全球通史:1500年以后的世界 - 下.pdf" and "Scrapbook Tutorial - 1.2.pdf" are exactly the same file without the same name.

When you try to open "全球通史:1500年以后的世界 - 下.pdf" with PDFXChangeViewerLKL.exe, it displays problem window like the following:

"LiberKey Portabilizer v2.0.385
This program is the "portabilization" engine required by
applications present in the LiberKey.
For further information. please visit
www. liberkey. corn"

You can check the same screenshot from


But "Scrapbook Tutorial - 1.2.pdf" is just fine with PDFXChangeViewerLKL.exe.

So I try to delete ":" from the file name as follow:
"全球通史:1500年以后的世界 - 下.pdf"
"全球通史1500年以后的世界 - 下.pdf"

And Name "全球通史1500年以后的世界 - 下.pdf" works with PDFXChangeViewerLKL.exe.
I wonder the problem happened because of the ":" in the file name?
As you know English ":" can not exit in the file name while Chinese ":" could. I didn't know that before this problem. So Chinese ":" is not the same with English ":" , the difference is "full-width" or "half-width".

This is not enough.
I duplicate this folder with a name of
D:\Library\Downloads\000 Inbox\斯塔夫里阿诺斯 - 全球通史_从史前史到21世纪 - Copy\全球通史(上下册)\
With addition of " -Copy" from
" 斯塔夫里阿诺斯 - 全球通史_从史前史到21世纪"
"斯塔夫里阿诺斯 - 全球通史_从史前史到21世纪 - Copy"

but no changes to the PDF file names.
And this time, both
"全球通史:1500年以后的世界 - 下.pdf"
"Scrapbook Tutorial - 1.2.pdf"
are working with "PDFXChangeViewerLKL.exe"

Looks like Chinese ":" is not the only detrimental factor.

Then I move this file "全球通史:1500年以后的世界 - 下.pdf" upward to the father folder
D:\Library\Downloads\000 Inbox\斯塔夫里阿诺斯 - 全球通史_从史前史到21世纪\全球通史(上下册)\
D:\Library\Downloads\000 Inbox\斯塔夫里阿诺斯 - 全球通史_从史前史到21世纪\

"全球通史:1500年以后的世界 - 下.pdf" works again with "PDFXChangeViewerLKL.exe".

So "全球通史:1500年以后的世界 - 下.pdf" is fine opening with "PDFXChangeViewerLKL.exe"anywhere except in folder
" 全球通史(上下册)"
Then I realized it may stem from the problem of the Name of "()"

So I delete "(" from the folder name
And this works again.

I finally decided to give a shot to add a English "(" to the folder name instead of Chinese full sized "("
"全球通史:1500年以后的世界 - 下.pdf" works without any hesitation.
Look like Chinese ")" is not the source of the problem. But Chinese full sized "(" is.

The test was made on Win 8 X64 English with enabled " current language for non-unicode - Chinese" and the latest Liberkey version. I even tried the " enable file association" from Liberkey.

There is no problem when you first open "PDFXChangeViewerLKL.exe", then drag -n- drop any file to the programme. It just happened when you open the pdf from the right click popup menu with "open with" option.
The problem is also applicable from "SumatraPDFLKL.exe" "EvinceLKL.exe" "STDUViewerLKL.exe" to open PDF or DJVU with the names containing special characters described above.

I tried portable version PDFXChangeViewer from official website and it works without such problem.
and the PortableApps counterpart "EvincePortable.exe" and "SumatraPDFPortable.exe" are just doing fine with the special full sized "(" or ":".

I found this problem half a year ago either on Win 7 X64 English or Win 7 X64 Chinese Version. But recently realized the problematic full sized "(" or ":".

Please to make a update to fix this. Thanks a lot to let us to have more or less regular updates even after the long silence period without any notice.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 01 Juin 2012, 00:59

Re: Path or Name Problem with Chinese Characters . Please He

Messagede planningall » 25 Juin 2014, 06:58

I have the same problem that happend to *.jpg\*.txt files.

please fix it .

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 8
Inscription: 31 Mai 2012, 09:26

Re: Path or Name Problem with Chinese Characters . Please He

Messagede Dji » 25 Juin 2014, 08:38

Thanks for reporting such kind of issue.
We hope having a look on it soon and let you informed.
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Inscription: 28 Novembre 2007, 09:57
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