Performance Monitor

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Performance Monitor

Messagede benbecker » 23 Novembre 2009, 16:08

Titre du sujet: Performance Monitor

Langues : En

Compatibilité : Win 2000/XP/Vista/Win2003+

Licence: Freeware

Description de l'auteur: Performance Monitor is a small program that shows you the CPU, Memory, Disk and Network utilization under Windows NT platforms (2000, XP, Vista, Win 7, etc...).
It's composed by four fully configurable small graphs and it can work in the tray area also.
The windows are fully anchorable and by moving the "CPU" window you'll move the other attached windows.
PerfMon can become transparent and permits you to forward left-mouse clicks so you can place it anywhere.
You can also change the program priority saving CPU work and double its size for big monitor resolutions ;-)
Right click for options, drag the "CPU" window to move!

Avantages: Très simple, convivial, efficace

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Messages: 179
Inscription: 18 Octobre 2009, 17:11

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