Liberkey's End
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Liberkey's EndDear Users,
It will not be a surprise for most of you, but the Liberkey will stop. The purpose of this message is mainly to formalize the thing, to give you more informations, but above all to thank you. This decision was made by mutual agreement between the volunteers of the Team Liberkey and acted by Vagabond the Liberkey's administrator. This has not been easy, of course, but we are no longer able to ensure the updates, mainly due to the lack of availability of volunteers, the accumulated delay over time, lack of time to solve some problems encountered or simply to coordinate the project ... Whatever the importance of Liberkey for us as for you, it can not take up our daily lives, our family lives, and then we all have a job next door! And yes life goes on ... A big thank you to all those who have invested: publishers of software that have accepted to trust us, translators, moderators, beta testers, donors or simple users who have known over the years to give us your suggestions, advices and support us morally in spite of the contrary winds. A big thank you to the users who contributed to our success by spreading the Liberkey in their entourage, their family or their professional knowledge. A special thank you to our spouses, and our families who have had the patience to let us work on the Liberkey. After all these thanks, some advice not to let you go alone, distraught, wandering on the web: 1) Some palliatives for your weaning of the Liberkey on the Dji's advices: B Plan -> Framakey C Plan -> Lupo PenSuite D Plan -> WinPenPack And for the bearded -> GeGeekToolkit To find portable applications you can also visit the Portable Freeware collection : More fully see here : 2) It could be tempting to continue using the Liberkey against all odds, it will certainly continue to function, but at the risk of becoming incompatible with the next versions of Windows. But for web browsers, messaging, security software, etc ... there will be risks for your security because they will not be updated anymore through the Liberkey and nothing will notify you. 3) Do not try to update the LiberKey applications by yourself it will sooner or later be problems, we can assure you that if it were that easy you would not be reading these lines ... This is all we could tell you, for the rest of the events it is up to Vagabond and Captel to manage the shutdown of the servers and ensure the possible distribution of this message outside the forum before the break. Before finishing, thanks to all the Liberkey team with JP4U, CorsairePro, LeeOnell, slolo, MMB as well as the elders who succeeded each other in command, Opendev without whom the Liberkey would never have been created, vagabond who wrote a large part of the liberkey's source code, the moderators and administrators of the first hour ZeD7, Laurentxp (who knew like nobody to discover new applications), Skybird who worked much for the migration of the site, Dji who took over during five long years and set up all the preliminary scripts to perform updates, as well as those who have remained in the shadows by agreeing to host the site and its funding. Good continuation to all! The Liberkey Team
Re: Liberkey's EndHello LiberKey Team,
since this "Liberkey's End" announcement I receive more updates than the month before. Will my loved LiberyKey continue or do I have to look for a (always bad compromise) alternative? Still hoping... Heiko
Re: Liberkey's EndHi,
I would say, still uses liberkey ... there is a little hope ![]()
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