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Messagede molgea » 28 Janvier 2010, 03:22

Title: FreeOTFE
Languages: English
Compatibility with operating systems: MS Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7
Type of License: FreeOTFE Licence (v1.1)

Author description:
A free "on-the-fly" transparent disk encryption program for MS Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 PCs (both 32 and 64 bit), and Windows Mobile 2003/2005 and Windows Mobile 6 and later PDAs. Using this software, you can create one or more "virtual disks" on your computer - anything written to these disks is automatically, and securely, encrypted before being stored on your computers hard drive. More

Data encrypted on your PC can be read/written on your PDA, and vice versa
"Portable mode" included; FreeOTFE doesn't need to be installed before it can be used - making it ideal for carrying your data securely on USB drives!
Linux compatibility (Cryptoloop "losetup", dm-crypt and LUKS supported)
"Hidden" volumes may be concealed within other FreeOTFE volumes, providing "plausible deniability"
FreeOTFE volumes have no "signature" to allow them to be identified as such

Author's website:
Download page:
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 29 Janvier 2010, 00:39

Re: FreeOTFE

Messagede city_zen » 11 Février 2010, 07:44

+1 for FreeOTFE
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 21
Inscription: 30 Janvier 2010, 09:43

Re: FreeOTFE

Messagede MicketsBR » 10 Mars 2010, 16:27

Is this better than TrueCrypt? I've been using TrueCrypt for years and never had any problem whatsoever.
Expert Boarder
Expert Boarder
Messages: 105
Inscription: 24 Novembre 2009, 15:45

Re: FreeOTFE

Messagede Steph31 » 10 Mars 2010, 21:00

The main advantage of FreeOTFE is that there is a container explorer (FreeOTFEExplorer) which allows to read and write in the crypted container without admin rights. Those are needed for installing the drivers.

There is a TCExplorer for TrueCrypt which does not allow to write in the container and is not working with the latests versions of TrueCrypt. To my knowledge, it is not supported anymore.
Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
Messages: 41
Inscription: 05 Septembre 2009, 11:11

Re: FreeOTFE

Messagede akhouri_sarvesh » 12 Mars 2010, 00:34

Steph31 a écrit:The main advantage of FreeOTFE is that there is a container explorer (FreeOTFEExplorer) which allows to read and write in the crypted container without admin rights. Those are needed for installing the drivers.

Seems better than TrueCrypt... :lol:
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Senior Boarder
Senior Boarder
Messages: 213
Inscription: 17 Septembre 2009, 12:10

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