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5 messages
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GeoSetterLangages: English, German, French, Italian, Swedish, Czech, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, Russian, Japanese, Chinese and Norwegian.
Compatibility: Windows XP/Vista/7 License: Freeware Author description: My Opinion: Best geotagging and tagging software ever seen. Easy to use, with good and intuitive UI. A link to the author website: A link to the download page:
Re: GeoSetter+1
GeoSetter is the only GPS picture tagging software worth the time, and it is frequently being updated, so it's great, and it really should be a part of LiberKey (it's already a part of my own LiberKey)
Re: GeoSetterHello all,
I just dropped by to recommend GeoSetter for LiberKey. But I see that other people have already recommended it. I came across GeoSetter yesterday, and it is really good, a great app. It's already in the "MyApps" folder on my system.
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