IBIN Portable recycle bin

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IBIN Portable recycle bin

Messagede nebrit » 22 Juin 2012, 10:01


Languages: Fr / En / Br / Pt / Es
Compatibility: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Seven
License: Freeware / Creative Commons
Author's description:

The iBin Dump System run in the background to detect the window used to confirm a delete action selected by the user. If the action is being performed with the device hosting the iBin, the system is halt and the window confirmation is replaced by another. This new window offers three options: erase the data, dump the data into the Ibin container or just cancel the operation.

Website : http://www.autohotkey.net/~FirstToyLab/ ... tation.htm
Download page: http://www.autohotkey.net/~FirstToyLab/ ... wnload.htm

I speak of a recycle bin IBIN portable, but really, it acts not destroy files on a USB but sending them to a paper similar to windows but inside the usb, if you make a mistake when you press delete. If you want to delete it finally agree to the contextual menu and pressing erase and erase it, or recover the file to its original location
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 6
Inscription: 22 Juin 2012, 09:53

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