Multimedia Cataloger Cathy

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Multimedia Cataloger Cathy

Messagede cubarro » 30 Mars 2010, 01:34

I would like to propose Kathy as a Multimedia File Cataloger.

Name: Cathy
Languages: En
Compatibility: Windows 2000/XP/Vista / 7
License: Freeware.
Author's description:
An extremly small, very fast and easy to use media cataloging tool. You can use it to index files stored on removable media (CD's, DVD's or even diskettes), hard disks or net drives, and create searchable catalogs that can be used without having access to original media. Searching capabilities are based on file name, date and size. Additional features include filtering options, search duplicates or singles, customizable date format, etc. Found files can be opened (executed) or deleted directly, if they are present. Drag&drop support. Directory trees, MP3 album/song lists can be printed, disk space usage can be investigated. Single file executable, no install needed.

Advantages: Small, No install, Fast, drag and drop support.
Website and Download page:

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Re: Multimedia Cataloger Kathy

Messagede akhouri_sarvesh » 30 Mars 2010, 11:15

You can also compare the followings before deciding:


CD catalog

Visual CD

CD Archiver

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Re: Multimedia Cataloger Kathy

Messagede cubarro » 30 Mars 2010, 12:47

akhouri_sarvesh a écrit:You can also compare the followings before deciding:


CD catalog

Visual CD

CD Archiver


Hi akhouri_sarvesh.

I am not deep experienced with software programming, but I found some adventages.

Comparing with
CD Catalog, Cathy ofers:
- tree view, making simpler to navigate up to your specific file.
- it does not reads every single file, instead brigs you the file allocation table directly. It makes shorter the time to read a disk.

Visual CD
- It looks more similar to Cathy.
- I have not tested the new version, but two years ago, it worked looking for every single file making too slow.

CD Archiver
- I would like to test this catalog. It looks fresher.
- internet connections makes it powerfull.
- Automatic media type classification is amazing.

I hope to tell you tomorrow about CD Archiver when I make a test.

Kind Regards.
Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:41

Re: Multimedia Cataloger Kathy

Messagede cubarro » 30 Mars 2010, 21:21

Hello akhouri_sarvesh.
I thank you very much for the options.
The last one, CD Archiver I could not use. It requires to install and also requires a special .Net Framework that I do not have.
It makes difficult to implement in LiberKey, I think.

In resume, Only Cathy is stand alone, with single file, does not requires internet, access to the list of files for directory or disc fast, user friendly and freeware.

I will not change. That is why I suggest to incorporate into the list of applications.

Kind Regards.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:41

Re: Multimedia Cataloger Cathy

Messagede akhouri_sarvesh » 30 Mars 2010, 23:20

And What about CDtree ? :ninja:
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Re: Multimedia Cataloger Cathy

Messagede MicketsBR » 01 Avril 2010, 17:32

I recommend InsideCAT (Lite version). Free, and full of features.
  • Scans files inside compressed files (ZIP, RAR, LHA, etc.)
  • Tree view, etc.
  • ORganize collections
  • Tons of search options
  • Collects data/tags from all sorts of file types: DOC, PDF, MP3, etc, etc, etc (i.e., you can search a PDF by Author, or a song by MP3 tag,etc.)

I've used it for years.

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Re: Multimedia Cataloger Cathy

Messagede akhouri_sarvesh » 05 Avril 2010, 21:54

Seems good - will Check !! :)
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Re: Multimedia Cataloger Cathy

Messagede cubarro » 07 Avril 2010, 11:28

Hello MicketsBR.

I had a look to the website of InsideCat and I found two serious limitations in the free version.

a) Maximun number of catalogues 100 (now I have 70 disks, in on year will have double)
b) Support and free updates No

In other words,
a) I could only work with 100 different folders/discs.
b) No option to apply in automatic updates of the software. They will come a contract and payment. This limitation brakes the philosophy of LiberKey, I think.

About CDcat it is really in LiberKey, but I do not use it because is very slow reading a single disk. With Cathy, I found the faster program. (

Kind Regards.

MicketsBR a écrit:I recommend InsideCAT (Lite version). Free, and full of features.
  • Scans files inside compressed files (ZIP, RAR, LHA, etc.)
  • Tree view, etc.
  • ORganize collections
  • Tons of search options
  • Collects data/tags from all sorts of file types: DOC, PDF, MP3, etc, etc, etc (i.e., you can search a PDF by Author, or a song by MP3 tag,etc.)

I've used it for years.

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Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:41

Re: Multimedia Cataloger Cathy

Messagede MicketsBR » 07 Avril 2010, 17:05


Well pointed. Actually, I didn't mean to recommend it to be portabilized - it's just a software I use. Maybe it can be put under "MyApps".

I have a number of discs, but am keeping my backups in other media nowadays, such as Hard Drives. I use the catalog software only for MP3 discs and driver/software discs.

I'll check Cathy later on.


Expert Boarder
Expert Boarder
Messages: 105
Inscription: 24 Novembre 2009, 15:45

Re: Multimedia Cataloger Cathy

Messagede cubarro » 08 Avril 2010, 10:27

Hello MicketsBR

I registered myself in this forum because I saw the branch called:
Propose and present new applications that could be integrated

I supposed, integrated to LiberKey package. :bigsmile:

That is the reason why I proposed this application.

Kind Regards.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 7
Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:41


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