SRWare Iron

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SRWare Iron

Messagede city_zen » 11 Février 2010, 07:25

SRWare Iron

SRWare Iron is a web browser based on Chromium, which is the open-source project behind Google Chrome. By default, Iron sends out less information compared to Chrome (eg. creating a unique user ID or the submission of entries to Google to generate suggestions), which makes it potentially more private and secure in operation. Supports Chrome extensions and both official and unofficial themes.



Operating Systems compatibility: Linux - MacOS - Windows XP/Vista/7

License: BSD license (Open source)

All of the advantages of Google Chrome (speed, security), but none of the privacy concerns
Available for Windows, Mac and Linux
Portable version already available from the developers
Active development
Support forum


Portable version available here:
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Fresh Boarder
Messages: 21
Inscription: 30 Janvier 2010, 09:43

Re: SRWare Iron

Messagede Anakey » 11 Février 2010, 13:11

so this is a browser, based on a browser, based on a browser what is different between this and the chromium browser already on Liberkey?
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Re: SRWare Iron

Messagede akhouri_sarvesh » 11 Février 2010, 14:14

I think users like me using Firefox are no more on a lookout for any new browser. :ninja:
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Re: SRWare Iron

Messagede city_zen » 11 Février 2010, 17:21

Anakey a écrit:so this is a browser, based on a browser, based on a browser

No. This is a browser, period. This browser, SRWare Iron, is based on the Chromium open source project, the same way Google Chrome is based on Chromium.

Anakey a écrit:what is different between this and the chromium browser already on Liberkey?

SRWare Iron is a release of Chromium software that explicitly disables the collection and transmission of usage information and enables ad blocking and full User agent control.

Also, from SRWare Iron's FAQ:
"Can't I just use a precompiled unchanged Chromium build from Google's Server?
This is not useful because the original Chromium builds have nearly the same functions inside as Chrome. We can only provide Iron because we modified the source."

akhouri_sarvesh a écrit:I think users like me using Firefox are no more on a lookout for any new browser. :ninja:

I hope we can agree that having choices is always a good thing,right? ;)
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Messages: 21
Inscription: 30 Janvier 2010, 09:43

Re: SRWare Iron

Messagede akhouri_sarvesh » 11 Février 2010, 20:49

city_zen a écrit:I hope we can agree that having choices is always a good thing,right? ;)

Yes !! and innovations are always welcome. ;)
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Messagede jabol240 » 29 Mai 2010, 02:17

SRWare Iron is a Chromium-based browser "without any problems at privacy and security".

Both Chrome and Chromium send info about us to Google, such as creating a unique user ID. Not cool:)
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Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 19:02

Iron - Browser (Chromium without Google-Spy-Features)

Messagede Mr.Pro » 21 Juin 2010, 01:47

Hello Everyone here

I'am new here in the Forum(hello all of you) :happy:

I want to make 1 Point clear at start, this Project LiberKey is the best thing I ever come over, because it made my wishes come true! I love it so much ! And from now on, I want to support this genious tool and suggest features and good programs for it, if i have free time to do so.

My first suggestion is one of the best browsers I know:

You saw the title allready B) it's called Iron!

Here is the special thing about it:

check this:

The Website:

The Forum:

Iron Portable:
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Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 21 Juin 2010, 01:24

Re: Iron

Messagede akhouri_sarvesh » 01 Juillet 2010, 20:41

Mr.Pro a écrit:Here is the special thing about it:

Nice !! will try this..
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Re: Iron

Messagede borderline » 03 Juillet 2010, 18:20

In fact the same than Chromium if you untick two boxes no ?
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Re: Iron

Messagede Lockszmith » 09 Juillet 2010, 23:43

borderline a écrit:In fact the same than Chromium if you untick two boxes no ?

Which checkboxes are these? please tell?
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