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Messagede noaven » 08 Janvier 2010, 17:18


Languages: En
Compatibility: Windows 2000/XP/Vista (working to my win7 excellent)
License: Freeware
From Authors FAQ: http://sharktime.com/wreplace/help/us_FAQ.html

Is wReplace free?
Yes, wReplace is indeed free, i.e we do not charge any money for it. You can use it both for private and commercial use. We would be very glad, if you will inform us ( http://www.sharktime.com/us_Support.html ) where and how you are using this software.

Author's description:

Free program, which allows you to change/replace multiple letters and phrases at a time. It is easy to create and save lists of changes/replacements, so that you can reuse them.

wReplace resembles Notepad. Like Notepad, it works with plain text Unicode files.

Advantages: very simple to use and does always the job. It can save you HOURS!!!
Inconvenients: nothing, honest

multi-antivirus: certified by softpedia.com
Website: http://sharktime.com/us_wReplace.html
Download page: http://sharktime.com/us_wReplaceDownload.html
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Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
Messages: 73
Inscription: 08 Janvier 2010, 16:56

Re: wReplace

Messagede MicketsBR » 11 Janvier 2010, 13:36

You should check my other submission, Replace Text (formerly BKReplacem): http://www.liberkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=2911

Replace Text is a lot more powerful. It can do several types of search/replace (including regular expressions) in several files and folders, following rules for inclusion/exclusion, etc. It can also save search/replace settings and file/folder groups. And more.

It is also free, small and portable. I've used it for years. Check my submission (link above).

I think that Replace Text does what wReplace does, but a lot more as well.


Expert Boarder
Expert Boarder
Messages: 105
Inscription: 24 Novembre 2009, 15:45

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