Autorun (Define launchs by system time)

Provides some LiberKey tools versions under development
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Autorun (Define launchs by system time)

Messagede Darkflame » 12 Janvier 2012, 14:35


First of all i'd just like to say how amazed i am at Liberkey, some really awesome attention to detail has gone into this wonderful piece of software so thank you.

I noticed that the programs communicates with the system time, therefore I was wondering if there was any way of getting the auto run function to launch programs on a specified user set time range?

For example, i would like to set my portable Goodsync program to only autorun between 7pm and 8am (outside of my work hours) etc.

The reason why i wish to do this is that I use my memory stick at both work and home and there are certain programs i would like to auto launch in administrator mode, something i just cannot do on my work computer due to account restrictions.

So if i could specify what time Liberkey auto launches my programs, that would be the icing on the cake of an already outstanding program.

Let me know your thoughts.


Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 12 Janvier 2012, 14:31

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