[Feature Request] Flat application list

Provides some LiberKey tools versions under development
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[Feature Request] Flat application list

Messagede Lockszmith » 08 Octobre 2010, 18:21

I love the LiberKey menu so much, it's my main application launcher, and my hub for portable application of all types.

There is one feature I feel will make it even more easier to use.

I don't use the full fledged LK Suites, I prefer other flavours of applications, and try to stick to the applications already known to me.
Although the LiberKey suites are great, my own preference is to use only a small section of these apps, and the majority of my apps sit in other tabs.

So these small set of apps are "burried" under quite a lot of folders/sub folders in the liberkey application list.

The feature I am suggesting is a special tab view (like the the ICON and tree view), but this time a "flattened" list of applications (without any folder and sub-folders).
This would make everything much more easy to find.

Thanks in advance.
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Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
Messages: 75
Inscription: 14 Juin 2009, 21:54

Re: [Feature Request] Flat application list

Messagede skybird » 09 Octobre 2010, 12:30

Hello Lockszmith.

There is an option, when your are in tree view, available with right click (on background menu or category name) "display list"
display_list.jpg (26.63 Kio) Vu 15909 fois

The behavior of this option will be improved in the future for manage huge list of shortcuts.
Currently automatically disabled in the case you have more than ~90 shortcuts in your menu/category.
Gold Boarder
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Re: [Feature Request] Flat application list

Messagede Lockszmith » 09 Octobre 2010, 16:03


And here I though I was forwarding an original though :-)

This is great, and serves the purpose right now.
I really hope there would be a flat view though, which would also effect the popup menu.

LiberKey Rocks!
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Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
Messages: 75
Inscription: 14 Juin 2009, 21:54

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