Alphabetical instead of category view?

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Alphabetical instead of category view?

Messagede bosun120 » 03 Novembre 2011, 06:07


I was wondering if it were possible to remove the category view of Liberkey and use Alphabetical view instead (list of all apps). I have so many apps that I use search to start apps than looking through the categories.

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 03 Novembre 2011, 04:48

Re: Alphabetical instead of category view?

Messagede bosun120 » 03 Novembre 2011, 06:38

OK, I seemed to have deleted all the category folders in the Liberkey menu, so all the apps are in once long list, but how do you sort alphabetically within the menu? I guess it's better than nothing.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 03 Novembre 2011, 04:48

Re: Alphabetical instead of category view?

Messagede redshues » 04 Novembre 2011, 17:39

You can try something like this :
- left clic on the tray icon --> the full menu appears
- right clic in an empty space of the applications area and select "Sort"
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 24
Inscription: 13 Mai 2009, 00:18

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