Automatic updates without manual interaction

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Automatic updates without manual interaction

Messagede RaceMachine » 03 Novembre 2010, 17:28

Hello guys,

I use the great LiberKey application compilation to mange my applications "central" among my several windows systems.
So, the "main LiberKey" installation is on my server an die "clients" simply synchronize the whole LiberKey-folder of the server to a local client folder.

In fact, I normally don't use the LiberKey application, because I've linked the most important applications direct to the desktops of the different systems. My only problem is, that I always have to the start the main LiberKey application to see if there are some updates and eventually start the update.

So, I search for a solution which automatically updates all available applications "in the background".
For example I could create a task on the "server" which would do the updates central in the night...but I didn't find a solution so far.
Is there a solution for this scenario?

Thanks and best regards,
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 5
Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:48

Re: Automatic updates without manual interaction

Messagede Dji » 04 Novembre 2010, 14:12

Please have a look on Liberkey Configuration panel, tab Applications Update", select "Automatic update"
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Re: Automatic updates without manual interaction

Messagede RaceMachine » 04 Novembre 2010, 17:27

Hello Dji,

thanks for your answer. The mentioned option did I know, but there are two things which aren't optimal:

- the updates work only only the "important" applications, "optional" applications aren't affected from this (you can't choose to always update this applications, too)
- do I really have to start the LiberKey application to perform the update? Exists eventually a command line parameter which only performs the updates and nothing else?

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 5
Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:48

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