Change fonts of LiberKey Menu interface.

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Change fonts of LiberKey Menu interface.

Messagede RealRedFox » 03 Février 2011, 13:45

Hello, people.

Is there any way to change fonts of LiberKey Menu interface? I have not found how to do that in program options, probably it is possible to change some config files manually? Fonts used are too small for my display resolution, I want to make text a bit bigger than now. Thanks.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 03 Février 2011, 13:40

Re: Change fonts of LiberKey Menu interface.

Messagede Dji » 03 Février 2011, 14:18

Not at the moment.
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Re: Change fonts of LiberKey Menu interface.

Messagede RealRedFox » 10 Février 2011, 11:56

Would be very useful though.
Also it would be nice, if the format of skins would be opened to public. Is that possible?
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 03 Février 2011, 13:40

Re: Change fonts of LiberKey Menu interface.

Messagede opendev » 10 Février 2011, 14:37

Hello RealRedFox,

For now, it is not intended to open the skin format.
Maybe in the future !
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Re: Change fonts of LiberKey Menu interface.

Messagede GrahamG » 12 Février 2011, 13:14

@RealRedFox - I was thinking exactly the same thing this morning. Having flipped immediately between Portable Start Menu and LiberKey this morning I was surprised at just how "pixelly" the fonts were on LiberKey. It definitely makes it less appealing to the eye.

@OpenDev - I can understand why you don't want to open up LiberKey skins just yet, but what about considering allowing LiberKey to pickup on the ClearType screen fonts used by Windows?

Without doubt, LiberKey is the most user friendly portable launcher out there; but smoothing those fonts would be more icing on the cake!

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Re: Change fonts of LiberKey Menu interface.

Messagede RealRedFox » 09 Août 2011, 10:48

opendev a écrit:Hello RealRedFox,

For now, it is not intended to open the skin format.
Maybe in the future !

Why not? Go get open in the open world! ;)

And it seems to me, that at least it is not so hard to allow users to change font and font size of menu and other elements of launcher. Do you use your own fonts included in skin, or standart Windows fonts?
LiberKey is really one of the best portable launchers, and I use it the most often. It would be nice to have the ability to change its looking in different ways. :happy:
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 03 Février 2011, 13:40

Re: Change fonts of LiberKey Menu interface.

Messagede vagabond » 09 Mars 2012, 23:14

GrahamG a écrit:... but what about considering allowing LiberKey to pickup on the ClearType screen fonts used by Windows?
The latest version available on the beta channel (5.7.0309) now uses ClearType everywhere in the menu.
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