Classic menu (skin?)

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Classic menu (skin?)

Messagede Pootle » 04 Septembre 2010, 20:43

I like the new 5.0 but not the window style. I hate transparent and funny-shaped windows! :whistle:

Can I have a classic-style window, or is there a skin which looks like classic Windows?

Many thanks for all your continuing hard work, it is very much appreciated.
Expert Boarder
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Inscription: 14 Juin 2009, 22:06

Re: Classic menu (skin?)

Messagede Eno. » 08 Septembre 2010, 19:00

Pootle a écrit:I like the new 5.0 but not the window style. I hate transparent and funny-shaped windows!

Me too, I liked the Fact of having a narrow window open that was not cluttered with things I don't need to see all the time.

Why couldn't it just have another tab at the top with the Liberkey system menu items?

Skins would be good as people could than have what they want.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 5
Inscription: 08 Septembre 2010, 18:50

Re: Classic menu (skin?)

Messagede benbecker » 08 Septembre 2010, 21:28

I think it will be possible to make owns skins.
I prefer too the previous "Asuite" skin so i think when it will be possible i'll make one similar.
Be patient! :happy:
Expert Boarder
Expert Boarder
Messages: 179
Inscription: 18 Octobre 2009, 17:11

Re: Classic menu (skin?)

Messagede Eno. » 08 Septembre 2010, 23:09

Good on yer benbecker, go for it ;)
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 5
Inscription: 08 Septembre 2010, 18:50

Re: Classic menu (skin?)

Messagede tonycfc » 09 Septembre 2010, 15:02

I certainly agree with you all! I missed the old LiberKey which is fast and compact. I hope there's an option to change the skin or at least make a skin that is less bloated. :P
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 25
Inscription: 09 Août 2009, 17:33

Re: Classic menu (skin?)

Messagede benbecker » 09 Septembre 2010, 15:50

It was mentionned before in an other post. The menu available with the right click on the icon in the taskbar is very similar to the main windows of Asuite. You can also desactivate all effects.

Finally, I think it's better because the style is more tiny than asuite skin.

The only problem is that you can only access with the right click, not the left. It will avalaible soon in a next patch.
Expert Boarder
Expert Boarder
Messages: 179
Inscription: 18 Octobre 2009, 17:11

Re: Classic menu (skin?)

Messagede mydani » 10 Septembre 2010, 18:04

I like my apps to be efficient and fast - what the liberkey 5 menu is not.
99.9% use case of the menu is selecting the app to start. The old asuite did this perfectly well. The new one does not. Even with all effects disabled it is horribly slow and takes huge amount of the screen.
Please provide a minimalist skin / menu in the next patch.
Everything except the new menu is perfect - as usual.

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 5
Inscription: 27 Août 2010, 11:17

Re: Classic menu (skin?)

Messagede JP4U » 10 Septembre 2010, 23:12


As over user you don't seem have found the possibilities of the right click on the liberkey icon, or the floating menus (right click on their icon => floating menu...).
You can also change parameters for the menu delay : Liberkey tools => User Interface => Menu open delay => custom : change for 100 ms for example. For animation effects select Fast classic or if you prefer Disable all animation effects.


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