Completely astounded by Liberkey
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Completely astounded by LiberkeyI just had to let you guys @ Liberkey know how amazed I am by the evolution of this project. I have used many other portable app compilation systems and this is by far the best. The seamless integration with the applications page blew my mind. I have actually reformatted an old laptop of mine, stripped it down and run Liberkey on the hard drive as my only source for apps.
Suggest to me where to go to rate and write reviews for Liberkey and consider it done. Thanks for the great work. Die on your feet or live on your knees.
Re: Completely astounded by LiberkeyWelcome to our community ! Glad to see you are enjoying so much opendev and vagabond's stuff
Well, for ratings and reviews by other websites, you will have to wait a little bit because until now, our communication was only based on word of mouth "Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
Re: Completely astounded by LiberkeyI have to agree with you, LiberKey is by far the best portable applications compilations to date! LiberKey is the only source of apps I use for everyday work! I installed it into my external hard disc drive and carry it everywhere with me. Kudos again!
Re: Completely astounded by Liberkey
Same here!!
Re: Completely astounded by LiberkeyI was pleasantly suprised when I saw AutoHotkey in the download list!
I have been using PortableApps, but I wanted the ability to add my own aplications and not be limited by the small list of their applications. After viewing several different application docks, I found LiberKey. I haven't seen any suite of programs put together more professionally, and I was amazed to see a suite with the ability to automatically update its programs! Just gotta say: BEST EVER!
Re: Completely astounded by LiberkeyI think Liberkey is minimum 5-6 years in-front of the others!!!
it is so great to have a big catalog of free apps that you can have always with you ... today i open my liber and some apps updated automatically ... and of-course my settings are there untouched!! what a great thing! I just love LK (even if none of my requests is in ) Now WE have to go out there and talk about it to forums - communities - blogs etc I already saw some reviews on youtube!! this is great but we all have to get involved and help this excellent project!
Re: Completely astounded by Liberkey
I totally agree with you that we should write about LiberKey so that everyone can be benefited with such a great & useful (essential to be more precise) Project.
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