Export / import configuration

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Export / import configuration

Messagede onegin » 25 Octobre 2010, 10:17


today I discovered on the Internet LiberKey. So far I've used LupoPensuite and Portable Apps, but I wasn't very pleased with the features and stability. LiberKey I really like. I using LiberKey on the HDD.
Where can I find how I can back up and restore the configuration (eg when reinstalling PC). I'm ussing application from external source, ie. I do not have them installed in the directory LiberKey Apps. How can I backup configuration and LiberKey created menu (with shortcuts to the SW).

Thank you. by Peter
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 25 Octobre 2010, 10:08

Re: Export / import configuration

Messagede terminator1234 » 25 Octobre 2010, 16:52

Liberkey is much better than LupoPensuite or PortableApps ;)

All the settings for Liberkey Menu are stored in xml files in folder "LiberkeyTools" in the root directory where you installed Liberkey. Just copy the whole folder and back it up in a safe place.

If you are looking for specific xml files, then here is a breakdown:

..\Liberkey\LiberkeyTools\LKConfig.xml - General settings (username password, language etc)
..\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyMenu\data\user_prefs.xml - Menu Preferences
..\\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyMenu\data\Menu\myapps.xml - Application list in MyApps Menu
..\\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyMenu\data\Menu\default.xml - Application list in Liberkey Menu
Terminator over and out :silly: :ninja:

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Re: Export / import configuration

Messagede onegin » 26 Octobre 2010, 07:55

Thanks Terminator, you saved my life :happy:
I searched all the directories Yesterday, but I could not find it. I work from LiberKey one day and I can confirm that it is super USB suite software.

by Peter
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 25 Octobre 2010, 10:08

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