General question about newest versions and Paint.Net
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General question about newest versions and Paint.NetHello.
First of all: Thank you. I use public computers at the library. They don't have Paint.Net. Without LiberKey I would not be able to use it. I appreciate being able to use this application through LiberKey VERY MUCH. I was just wondering when the latest versions of an application will be available. I am using Paint.Net 4.0.5 right now. But, when I open the Paint.Net application, I get a message that 4.0.6 is available. Yet, the version here on this website still shows 4.0.5. I realize that there may be lag time between when the latest version of an application comes out and when it appears on LiberKey. Thanks.
Re: General question about newest versions and Paint.NetLiberKey has been dead for months now. There is nobody to update it anymore. I doubt there will be a resurrection. I have moved to PortableApps, which is great, and very much alive.
Re: General question about newest versions and Paint.NetThank you for the reply. I haven not visited this site in many months.
Unfortunately I cannot install an application from Portable Apps on my flash drive in the local libraries because of their security restrictions.
Re: General question about newest versions and Paint.NetI tried the first and second link on this page: ... table.html The FIRST link WORKED. It is version 4.0.5. The current version of Paint.Net is 4.0.6 (as of 9/11/2015). It is probably a better alternative to LiberKey. The second link downloaded and installed; but, it would not run. I saw somewhere during the download, install, run process that this uses the PortableApps installer.
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