Help LibreOffice

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Help LibreOffice

Messagede gilbertoschiavinatto » 04 Mars 2012, 16:50

Is there posibilidade of installation of the official help (*) in the LibreOffice portable?

(*) http: //
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 04 Mars 2012, 16:31

Re: Help LibreOffice

Messagede Dji » 05 Mars 2012, 10:07

One of our member (french) has made a little tutorial doing this : ... ibreoffice

To be simple, you just have to install (yes a real installation) the help .msi into folder \LiberKey\Apps\LibreOffice\App\LibreOffice

Unfortunately, it is not integrated into our packaging and you will have to update it each time we/you update LibreOffice in your Liberkey.
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