Liberkey Auto Shutdown Suggestion
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Liberkey Auto Shutdown SuggestionYou start Liberkey from a USB drive.
Every 20 to 30 minutes, Liberkey would check to see if the USB drive is still plugged into the computer. If the USB drive was not plugged into the computer, Liberkey would shut down and all the Liberkey programs that are still running would shut down. If an open program wanted to save an open file, like OpenOffice, it would say no. This way the file would be deleted.
Re: Liberkey Auto Shutdown SuggestionI think what you said is a bit confusing. Liberkey will stop running if you remove the USB drive, because it was installed and launched from the same USB drive.
May be what you meant is to stop everything and eject USB LiberKey Tools -> Disconnect LiberKey on USB Description : LiberKey USB Eject allows to disconnect the USB device (with automatic closure of all applications). REMINDER : Any USB device can be disconnected ONLY when associated softwares have been closed. Terminator over and out
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