Liberkey backend

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Liberkey backend

Messagede molgea » 28 Janvier 2010, 03:03

I am curious if the Liberkey developers are using any type of revision control system (subversion, git, etc.) to keep track of all the changes being made. This is somewhat related to the question asked here, as I often keep several other flashdrives synced to my liberkey configuration. My current method of keeping these drives synced is to update my main development flashdrive with the Liberkey website and then to commit those changes to a subversion server and let my other drives subversion update as they can. I am not particularly interested in any data left on the flash drives as I am of having the latest apps.

The problem I have with this setup is Liberkey's frequent updating; I am constantly playing catchup and would rather have one file I can download and then re-overlay onto all my other flash drives. So to get to the point about revision control systems, I use subversion post-commit scripts to push out nightly builds/releases, could something like that be provided by Liberkey. I would be glad to assist in this if you are interested.

Thanks for the great work.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 29 Janvier 2010, 00:39

Re: Liberkey backend

Messagede Dji » 28 Janvier 2010, 10:28

vagabond explained some days/weeks ago (in french, sorry) an undocumented feature (yet) of Liberkey which consist of keeping locally the Liberkey packages (.lks) and Liberkey updates (.lal) when updating your Liberkey in order to allow delayed deployement under several Liberkey installation folders (or different computers).

Original message (in french)

Translated into english:
Step 1:
When downloaded using Online catalog, the Liberkey packages are stored temporaly in the folder C:\Documents and Settings\<your username>\Local Settings\Temp\lbkData
This folder will contain Liberkey packages updates (.lks) and Liberkey (core) updates (.lal)

To be kept (in order to be used laterly) you have to update the following configuration file:
Code: Tout sélectionner

If the XML node <KillTempFolder> don't exists, create it.

Possible values are:
  • yes
    Files are automatically deleted after corresponding package installation or update
  • no
    Files are kept anytime
  • ask
    After installed, a popup will appear and asking you if you want to keep the files or to remove them
Put "no" if you want to keep installation/updates files on your system and then you can cut/paste those files to any shared location (network folder, usb key, etc) for a later use.

Step 2:
Into your other Liberkey installation, you should update the corresponding setup file:
Code: Tout sélectionner
<LKConfig version="0.1">

If XML nodes <Update> and <DownloadPath> don't exist, create them and put into DownloadPath content, the folder path corresponding to your shared folder (network drive, usb key) containing the files previously kept from the previous Liberkey installation/update.

Do not forget to keep started and activated the Liberkey file associations (KeyFileAssoc)

Doucle-click on the last .lal file (check the date) which would be automatically opened by Liberkey Version Checker.

Doucle-click on all .lks files which would be automatically opened by Liberkey Creator.
Take care: under Liberkey Creator, don't click on "install" while you don't click yet on all .lks file, you will save your time ;-)

And voila !

I hope not having missed some steps, don't hesitate to ask us if you need help ;-)
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