LiberKeyPortabilizer restore

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LiberKeyPortabilizer restore

Messagede Lockszmith » 10 Juin 2010, 08:09

I use LiberKey constantly from my HD.

Because I constantly move between 3 computers, and help others, syncing the LiberKey folder between these computers any my portable hard-drive is the easiest customization method I have for keeping "my system" with me wherever I go.

Especially on my local HD installation, it is quite common to initiate a restart of the computer without first manually closing all LiberKey apps ( or running the liber key close application).

When booting up again, I get a screen from LiberKeyPortabilizer informing me it is going to restore the application session.

Is there a way for me to manually invoke this process? I currently wrote an empty AHK script and lunching AutoHotKey with this empty script forces the dialog window to show.

I was hoping for something as a command line switch - it's cleaner and makes more sense.

Thanks in advance for any answer that will come.
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Re: LiberKeyPortabilizer restore

Messagede Lockszmith » 22 Juillet 2010, 08:08

Anyone have any insight on this? any solution?
It's been a while and still no response.
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Re: LiberKeyPortabilizer restore

Messagede Dji » 22 Juillet 2010, 08:27

I do not understand your need.
This dialog is just a warning which indicate that some traces (registry, files, etc) has been found for this portable application and the portabilizer will clean them before starting again the portable application.
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Re: LiberKeyPortabilizer restore

Messagede Lockszmith » 29 Juillet 2010, 07:26

Dji in essence you are right, but this dialog does not go away until it is acknowledged.
I usually start-up the liberkey menu on logon, which means that until the dialog has not been acknowledged it can't advance.

That's why I want to force the process to continue.

Sorry for being such a pain with this request.
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Inscription: 14 Juin 2009, 21:54

Re: LiberKeyPortabilizer restore

Messagede Lockszmith » 01 Août 2010, 10:44

Does no-one share my sentiment on this issue?
I understand it's a bit esoterically, but at least an acknowledgment that this issue will not be resolved ever would suffice (coming from the right source)

sorry for nagging.
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Re: LiberKeyPortabilizer restore

Messagede opendev » 07 Août 2010, 19:30

It has been added in the todo-list ;)
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Re: LiberKeyPortabilizer restore

Messagede Lockszmith » 10 Août 2010, 19:33

Thanks, that's great news.
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Re: LiberKeyPortabilizer restore

Messagede opendev » 03 Septembre 2010, 17:06

Hello Lockszmith,

If you have upgrade to the last LiberKey 5.0 build 0901, there is a new portabilizer with your request ;)

Add in LiberKeyPortabilizer.xml :

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Re: LiberKeyPortabilizer restore

Messagede Lockszmith » 14 Septembre 2010, 15:01

Thanks! I will check.

Is there a command line switch?
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Re: LiberKeyPortabilizer restore

Messagede opendev » 14 Septembre 2010, 18:57

Lockszmith a écrit:Thanks! I will check.

Is there a command line switch?

No, I think this kind of parameter has a sense only in the config file.
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