Libre Office German
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Libre Office GermanI know,
there are many discussions about language packs. But I really miss the possibility to change the language of the user interface in Libre Office in German, not for me, but for my parents. The multi-language pack of libre office has 5 MB more than the normal version. PS: The best portable meta-software I know! Special thanks to Christophe (opendev) for your work. I wish you the best for your future. Greetings from Berlin, Jaro.
Re: Libre Office GermanHello Jaro,
The easiest way to do this is: - close LibreOffice if it is running - go to the folder "Apps\LibreOffice\LangPack" - run LibreOfficeLangPack.exe - click the menu item "options \ no confirmation" (easier if checked) - in the header of the top list (languages), click "uninstall all" - do the same with the bottom list (Dictionaries) - when all items in both list are grayed, check "German" in languages and "German (Germany)" in Dictionaries. - wait for both entries become green - Quit "LibreOffice Language pack" and restart LibreOffice, it should start in german (sometimes you'll need to launch it twice after language changes)
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