Librekey is (corection "was") great!
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Librekey is (corection "was") great!I really enjoyed using Liberkey. I had it configured nicely. but I was essentially forced to upgrade to 5.
Now the upgrade to 5 has replaced the simple Asuite with a cartoon that is not visible in my screen magnifier. It has deleted my three startup groups, and deleted Asuite so I cannot use it. In summary 5 is a complete failure, taking a giant step backward.
Re: Librekey is (corection "was") great!Hello jhondrick,
Nothing has been deleted, the migration process has created a backup in MyDocuments of your LiberKey. The path is : yourliberkeydirectory\MyDocuments\LBK_MIGRATION_BACKUP To go back to your 4.x LiberKey (advice backup your LiberKey before) : Rename : yourliberkeydirectory\LiberKeyTools TO yourliberkeydirectory\LiberKeyTools_5.x Copy all the content of : yourliberkeydirectory\MyDocuments\LBK_MIGRATION_BACKUP IN yourliberkeydirectory\ Nota : during the copy process, accept overwriting files When you consider all is working as before, you can delete : - folder yourliberkeydirectory\LiberKeyTools_5.x - folder yourliberkeydirectory\MyDocuments\LBK_MIGRATION_BACKUP To avoid upgrade information, you can delete : - shortcuts in asuite : LiberKey Tools -> "Check new LiberKey release" and "Check software updates" - shortcuts in asuite : LiberKey Tools -> other tools... -> "Check new LiberKey release (silent)" and "Check software updates (silent)"
Re: Librekey is (corection "was") great!Thanks, but 4.9 will not update the programs anymore and that is one of the best things about liberkey
Re: Classic menu (skin?)I too dislike the new version 5.0
When on windows I like the user interface to work like windows not like a law unto itself. I expect close and minimse widgets to be in a standard place, for example. Really, lets have windows software that works in the standard windows way so we don;'t have to spend time searching for user interface elements. I shouldn't have to learn a new UI, it's poor design. Am now considering moving to an alternative system.
Re: Classic menu (skin?)
The software is great but as quoted above the UI isn't good, Why wast the space down the right hand side when the items could just as easily be on another tab next to the others, also the big red dot is just overkill, it looks childish.
Re: Librekey is (corection "was") great!Ave you seen the floating menus (Right click on menu's icon => Floatting menu...) like this? You can pick them at the top and collapse them automatically.
You can also use the right click on Liberkey's icon (at the right bottom of Window's task-bar) to have menus like Asuite. See also to discover the possibilities of the Liberkey 5.0. JP4U
Re: Librekey is (corection "was") great!Thanks JP4U That makes it far better
![]() Now if the main interface could be customised to be that clean, (without the fancy borders logos and everything else as tabbed menus) that would really make me happy ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Re: Librekey is (corection "was") great!If you don't want see the main interface you can choose the advanced options : (LiberkeyTools => Navigation) and choose in it At startup Never show the menu.
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