List of most used apps - file?
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List of most used apps - file?I've been using Liberkey for quite a while, and I really can't do without LK at work (where programs are limited to the usual Office suspects): the easy to use suite, automatic updates, tons of programs... love it!
But... For some reason updating Liberkey on my flash drive often results in some folders being "copied" (with a date stamp) and I'll have to manually fix it. My workaround is to have Liberkey installed locally on a hard drive (pc), update that version and sync it with the flash drive I take to work (where I sync it with the suite installed on the hard drive of my work pc-where I'm prohibited to update LK). Only disadvantage is that it "ruins" my list of most used apps (since I also often use the Liberkey apps locally, and they're different from those I use at work*). Which files/folders do I have to exclude in my syncing process (or copy to a safe place)? (I'm using Liberkey 5.0.1217)
Re: List of most used apps - file?Hello vixblu and welcome on forums.
You wrote :
It's perhaps because these apps aren't completely close when you're updating them : on some USB drives read and write process are very slow. JP4U
Re: List of most used apps - file?Thanks JP4U I suspected that would be the reason for updating the suite/apps on flash drive, so I have my workaround that works for me.
I think I was unclear to state the real problem... Would you by any chance know the answer to this?
Re: List of most used apps - file?Hello vixblu,
The counters for the most used apps are stored in the menu XML files (into the folder "LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyMenu\data\Menu"). And.. hum... you have to know that the file "mostused.xml" does NOT contains the most used apps (in fact, this list is built dynamicaly at run time). Remove the folder "data\Menu" in your syncing process to keep your menus unchanged
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