Mouseover Application Info
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Mouseover Application InfoI guess I missed the time limit on creating a post and lost the first version of this message, so I will try again (and copy the content before previewing!). Anyway, I want to thank the folks involved in the creation and upkeep of Liberkey, as it has quickly become quite indespensible to me.
A thought that I have been unable to find anything on in the help files or forums, regards the possibility of having a "Mouseover" option for the program information popups. I have Liberkey set to Click-once program starting and floating menus (though I do like the ability to access the graphical interface when I am working with programs in catagories). The only way I have found to access the program info popup is to right-click on an icon and click the Program Properties button, then you have to click the Close button close it. If Click-once is not used, and the View Information option is selected, it gets to be a real pain every time you click a program icon having to manually close the info window. If there were a Mouseover option allowing the info windows to popup and go away automatically, it would certainly help me a lot since I use the info windows as reminders when looking for a specific program I may not use very frequently among several similar ones. While I am at it, another option which I think I saw in another post, would be to add the Liberkey Tools menu to the floating menu. Again, I thoroughly appreciate all the work being done with Liberkey, and though I do not have it showing all of the time, I think the style and look of the graphical interface is great. ![]() Never argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
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