Network Drive
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Network DriveWhy is Liberkey the only Portable Apps Tool not allowing to use it from a network drive ?
In my case the setup is even a local share with a drive-letter assigned to it. I really consider this check overdone. If running Liberkey from a distant network drive (with drive-letter) would be problematic, one would see that when launching a program ! All other Portable App Tools I have tested/used so far, don't have problems with that and therefor additionally the use of the tool from any PC on the network is possible too. I really hope this check will be removed in the future. Thx (also for the otherwise great tool) !
Re: Network DrivePlease follow this previous topic about this choice: ... tml#p28654 "Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
Re: Network DriveI am using Windows 7. The two suggestions I am making vary on earlier windows releases.
Suggestion 1: Create a symbolic link (very similar to a junction) to the liberkey folder on the network. There are at least a couple of variations on the specific ways to accomplish what you want. Suggestion 2: The command line Subst command. I suggest A: or B: but you can use whatever drive letter you have available. Again, there are variations on the specifics that will accomplish the same thing. For example: subst b: \\netshare\Liberkey. I have not tried such tactics with Liberkey, but these tactics have worked for me in similar situationss.
Re: Network DriveThx !
Indeed the xml-change solved the network-issue. Before posting I did a search, but somehow I didn't come across that topic. Why not having this available in [Configuration] ?
Re: Network Drive
As I described, I have a drive-letter mapped to the shared Liberkey-directory. The program detects that the drive is within Network Neighborough and gives the error However, it's solved with the xml-change
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