New applications available, date filtering

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New applications available, date filtering

Messagede Netsaver » 27 Octobre 2011, 10:19

in the suggestion for new available applications, I see a tree list of many tens of titles, which is independent from my last visit. In this case I have to examinate a lot of applications already evaluated, guessing which are the very 'newest' from my last session.
I would like a date filtering for new titles managed inside LK menu, for instance 'Search new applications from date... or new applications in the last XXX days...".
If the submission date for each title is published, it does not seem to me so complicated adding the filtering date to the interface between local LK and LK website and a filtering algorithm to the server.
Paul Netsaver
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 5
Inscription: 01 Octobre 2011, 08:43

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