Open text file with certain application depending on size
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Open text file with certain application depending on sizeHello,
I use PSPad for editing large files (BAT, HTML, TXT, etc.), specially those that have lots of lines. But for smaller files, even BAT or HTML, I don't really want to wait for PSPad to load and would rather open them with a smaller application that loads faster. Is there a way to have LiberKey open the file with a different application depending on the file size? Thanks, Mickets
Re: Open text file with certain application depending on sizYou would be able to do it using batch commands or VB scripts.
Apparently, this is really easy to to it using batch commands by using the "~z" parameter modifier: ... x?mfr=true But... unfortunately I was not able to validate it under windows XP, I got an error "[blahblah] unexpected" ![]() Another quite easy way by using VB scripts which will run one or the other text editor depending on its size : ... /file.html "Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
Re: Open text file with certain application depending on siz
I did it exactly like that, and it works fine. I don't have the batch file with me, but I can post it here later on if you're interested.
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