password protection comparable to u3 launchpad

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password protection comparable to u3 launchpad

Messagede udib » 05 Septembre 2010, 10:06

i´ve been using liberkey suite for a couple of weeks now- it´s great!!! what would be very useful in my opinion would be a password protection for the stick comparable to the one in the Sandisk U3 Launchpad menu. have you developers taken this into consoideratin to be included in liberkey too in the nearer future? I´d be thankful if you did. :bigsmile:

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 05 Septembre 2010, 10:01

Re: password protection comparable to u3 launchpad

Messagede Sniper » 05 Septembre 2010, 10:29

+1 :P
it would be a GREAT idea :bigsmile:
Another way is to use Truecrypt (freeware) but this is not for newbies... :cry:
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Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
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Inscription: 02 Juin 2008, 14:30

Re: password protection comparable to u3 launchpad

Messagede udib » 05 Septembre 2010, 10:35

i´m using truecrypt on the same stick. but the way they did it on the launchpad was better I think.

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 05 Septembre 2010, 10:01

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