Problems with applications catalog page on Firefox 5

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Problems with applications catalog page on Firefox 5

Messagede putzik » 23 Juin 2011, 14:37

After clicking on the program name in the left panel, the program description will be shown in the right panel for a one maybe two seconds, and then the whole Portable applications catalog page will be reloaded to start settings. :angry:

This problem is with e.g. Chrome or IE 9 not existent.
Till now I didn't have this problem with Firefox 4 too.

It's so far relevant, while Firefox is the default browser on my system and all operations regarding LiberKey will be automatically realized with it.
All scripts on the page are default allowed, ad-blocker is off.

Any ideas?
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 10
Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:57

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