Question about privacy

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Question about privacy

Messagede Apokai » 14 Janvier 2016, 18:22

Hey Guys,

I used (a long time ago - don't laugh) U3 and loved it. LiberKey seems to be the ref. today :) I was wondering about privacy though.

Is there a way to protect the content of the USB stick? I saw that there's apps like truecrypt but I'm not talking about a virtual encrypted drive. I would like to encrypt the access so if some1 find my key and put it in a computer, it prompted for a pwd BEFORE launching LiberKey. I'm thinking about Chrome, I would like to sync with my Gmail account on the USB key and don't want to delete my account locally each time I remove the key.

Any thoughts on that? Thx!
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 14 Janvier 2016, 18:04

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