Selecting ALL updates automatically

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Selecting ALL updates automatically

Messagede Fangles » 25 Août 2010, 07:21

In v5, I find I can now automatically update essential updates.

Is there a way to update ALL (essential and optional) programs and automatically fetch new programs?

At the moment, i update essential programs automatically but then I have to go through the update manually to select optional updates and then I have to go through the updates yet again to get new files.

I would LOVE to do ALL of this automatically please.

Love my LiberKey!
Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
Messages: 32
Inscription: 14 Février 2010, 00:50

Re: Selecting ALL updates automatically

Messagede MMB » 25 Août 2010, 12:52

Me too !

Messages: 279
Inscription: 03 Juillet 2009, 19:40

Re: Selecting ALL updates automatically

Messagede VV3iRD0 » 25 Septembre 2010, 22:22

Exactly, spare us your bandwidth and let us update the "optional"s automatically too, please! :bigsmile:
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 26 Janvier 2009, 20:53

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