Update menu structure and programs after deleting folders
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Update menu structure and programs after deleting foldersfirst of all, as a new member from Germany (
![]() But... Try to imagine that you copy the menu completely from your hard disk to your stick (USB). It works. Than you have decided to delete folders from the stick instead of uninstall them. No update of the folders and the programs inside LIBERKEY took place. By the way, you have the same problem, when you operate only on hard disk and delete any folder. Nothing happens inside LIBERKEY. Is there any funktion of it? thanks herby P.S. I've changed the topic and I've tried to explane it in a better way!
Re: Update menu structure and programs after deleting folderThis is only available for applications from Liberkey catalog.
Use Liberkey tools -> Manage portable applications -> Add applications -> detect new applications "Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
Re: Update menu structure and programs after deleting folderHi Dji,
thanks for the help. This is very useful in case when you want to copy already installed programs (For example: You install them first of all to the faster hard disk and then you copy it to your stick). Instead of deleting the program's folder I have to uninstall it. Much easier would be a function, that will update both ways or is controlling the actual content of the LIBERKEY folder APPS, wouldn't it? Thanks a lot by now. herby
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