Google earth

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Google earth

Messagede Preluka » 07 Juin 2013, 12:16

I would like to plane 3D bike route in office.
Couldn't find anyone can run Google earth from USB memory until now.

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 7
Inscription: 19 Août 2011, 05:04

Re: Google earth

Messagede Dji » 07 Juin 2013, 13:26

Google Earth is not available in our catalog but you can try the PortableApps package (beta) indeed.
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Re: Google earth

Messagede Preluka » 07 Juin 2013, 17:17

Google Earth can be download from Google Earth Portable and installed on LiberKey, working good.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 7
Inscription: 19 Août 2011, 05:04

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