3 Newbie question

A problem using LiberKey ?
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3 Newbie question

Messagede digitalnomad » 19 Mars 2012, 09:54

Hey guys,

as a newbie to Liberkey I have two questions:

I. Is it possible with LK to define your own portable apps directory? I have quite a few portable apps on my C: directory on my home computer (not USB drive). Currently my portable apps e.g. Opera are installed on C:\Portable Apps\Opera
but LK has it's own installation directory. Is there any way to tell LK that C:\Portable Apps\ is where to look for apps and install the shortcuts? If not wouldn't this be easy to implement?

II. Is there a way I can start TrueCrypt first when launching LK, inputting the password for the TC container in which the portable apps are contained in? So if someone had my LK on a USB Drive they couldn't access my portable apps without the password :lol:

III. What is the difference between the apps & myapps directory in LK? Will LK automatically detect available update if I copy apps (one I had before installing LK) into the LK myapps directory?

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 19 Mars 2012, 09:42

Re: 2 Newbie question

Messagede Dji » 19 Mars 2012, 10:05

For your first question the answer is not yet but you can install all of your portable apps in the Liberkey's MyApps folder and particularly PortableApps ones (if you have Liberkey Menu opened just run .paf.exe PortableApps installer and at a moment you will see a Liberkey wizard asking you if you want to install it into your Liberkey)
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Re: 3 Newbie question

Messagede bichlepa » 19 Mars 2012, 11:41

LiberKey installs Apps from the catalog in apps folder. The myapps folder is for your own Apps that you add from other sources.

LiberKey can't detect updates for your own Apps. It only gets updates for Apps that are in the LiberKey catalog.
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