EssentialPIM update problem

A problem using LiberKey ?
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EssentialPIM update problem

Messagede lanfeusts » 05 Septembre 2013, 13:12


The essentialPIM you provide is the free version. As I used the PRO version I have replaced the content of the directory with the PRO one.
Each time I receive an alert for the upgrade of the version, I have to accept it, download the PRO and replace all the file with it.
Is it possible to update directly the PRO or is it possible to change the version checked by liberkey to tell it that the update is done with the version seen on web?
Because if I put directly the PRO version in the right folder, each time I launch the tool I have a pop up to ask me to do the update even if my version is up to date.
I think the information for the version is stored in a file but I haven't found which one.
If someone can help me to tell me which file I have to modify or if I can download the PRO version instead of the free one ?

Thanks a lot for your help.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 03 Juin 2013, 16:03

Re: EssentialPIM update problem

Messagede Dji » 05 Septembre 2013, 14:20

We do not provide Pro version of EssentialPIM.
If you want to use an application which is outside our catalog, you should put them under your MyApps folder and not under Apps folder and you will never have any issue with updates.
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Re: EssentialPIM update problem

Messagede lanfeusts » 05 Septembre 2013, 18:55

ok, I will do this.

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 03 Juin 2013, 16:03

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