How to install Openoffice languages?

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How to install Openoffice languages?

Messagede dirkp » 18 Avril 2010, 13:42

I tried to install some language packs for openoffice on my liberkey! Following some of the links in this forum, I downloaded the installer for the german and other language packs.
Unfortunately the installers always says "there is no 3.2 Version" in the target folder!
I tried

but wasn't possible to install. Any idea how to install the language packs?

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 18 Avril 2010, 13:26

Re: How to install Openoffice languages?

Messagede Anakey » 19 Avril 2010, 02:49

you will probably have to extract the files from the installer using Universal extractor (it can be found in the catalog if you haven't got it already) the you will need to manually place the files in the correct folder.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 22
Inscription: 25 Avril 2009, 00:19

Re: How to install Openoffice languages?

Messagede skybird » 20 Avril 2010, 11:21

Hello dirkp,

Launch the OpenOffice langpack.exe.
The first windows (installation preparation) propose you to unpack files : valid this step but cancel the next windows (Installation Wizard).
Open folder of unpacked files (something like : 3.2 Language Pack (German) Installation Files)

You can see a file named: openofficeorg32.msi.
Use Universal Extractor in order to extract it (Extract method : MSI Administrative Installer).

When it's finished a new folder appear : openofficeorg32. Open it and copy all folders which are in 3 (Basis, licenses, program, readmes, share) into \Apps\OpenOffice\App\openoffice (with overwriting).

Last step: run OpenOffice then Tools, Options , Languages settings, Languages. Line User Interface, German should appear in the select box.

Apply and restart OpenOffice :bigsmile:
Gold Boarder
Gold Boarder
Messages: 1766
Inscription: 10 Octobre 2007, 10:45

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