LiberKey corrupted
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LiberKey corruptedApologies I do not speak french.. surprised there aren't english forums (or I missed them).
Well I somehow corrupted Liberkey (I wonder if it has to do with my virusscan's finding false positives in MUICache) but all the programs are wiped out.. cannot write to ASuite and now the thing can't be opened. I'll get more specific in a second. =P Error on open: Failed to set data for 'ASuite' then no programs showing.. this started after i put autorun.ini in the registry. Running Vista Ultimate.
Re:LiberKey corruptedVioletsPie écrit:
(and I just reinstalled)
Re:LiberKey corruptedIf you suspect your virus scanner to somehow corrupt your files, did you try to desactivate it for a while, just during the install time ?
Could you also check the MD5 signature of the downloaded file ? "Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
Re:LiberKey corruptedtoo late I just reinstalled liberkey but yeah there are false positives left and right (or i assume to be false positives)
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