Moving Liber key folder to another partition

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Moving Liber key folder to another partition

Messagede markchinese » 18 Décembre 2011, 11:03


I'm planning to move my Liber key folder to another partition and put in my Drop box folder. And, I was wonder if I do t that is there any possibility that some problem will occur with applications, extensions etc.

Thank you and Marry Christmas.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 22 Juillet 2011, 17:41

Re: Moving Liber key folder to another partition

Messagede Dji » 19 Décembre 2011, 10:41

I would say 99% of tools would work but some little issues can exists due to user's setup:
Firefox extensions could be not portable (but they are rare)
Some tool's options can be specified with full path instead of relative path (manually by users not by Liberkey itself)
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