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No Updates

Messagede RudiRast » 13 Juillet 2015, 02:28


where are the updates? Does my program not correctly work or is the LiberKey-Team on holiday?

Can I hope for updates at the next time?
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Inscription: 13 Juillet 2015, 01:50

Re: No Updates

Messagede JP4U » 14 Juillet 2015, 07:58

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Re: No Updates

Messagede akhouri_sarvesh » 18 Juillet 2015, 15:09

Vegabond's reply translated:

Just doing a quick pass by the forum to give some news ...
The LiberKey project is not dead but tired team and I am probably responsible for my quasi-systematic absence.
In recent years were complicated and I warmly thank all those who allow the LiberKey keep all this time.
The context has changed. The (school) year ahead will be perhaps the first almost "normal", a personal point of view, long time.
I have professional projects very very very time lately but I hope that the pace will calm down a little after the summer holidays.
So the school year will also be my return LiberKey;-)

Thank you to all and see you soon ...

Special dedication to Dji, JP4U and all beta testers

Let's wait patiently.. :happy:
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