Portabilizing an app and publishing to LiberKey

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Portabilizing an app and publishing to LiberKey

Messagede kokbira » 13 Janvier 2012, 15:00

I would like to submit an app to be published to LiberKey. That app is not portable yet, but I knew how to do it (with some help) and I did it in an way to put the same folder structure of all LiberKey apps (with all program files in App folder and saving all custom files to Data folder).

The I'd like to follow to the next steps:
- create the *LKL.exe file: The problem is that in LiberKeyPortabilizer Documentation (http://wiki.liberkey.com/liberkey_portabilizer) there aren't any info about *LKL.exe files, but from *.lpf. In the end of that doc, there is something about how to create an EXE through NSIS. Is it the way to create *LKL.exe file? Is NSIS the name of the miraculous program?

- publish the app in LiberKey catalog: Well, I think that I cannot do more than requesting it on a post...
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Re: Portabilizing an app and publishing to LiberKey

Messagede Dji » 13 Janvier 2012, 15:59

Why do you really need <app>LKL.exe ?
Using file association, you can just double click on <app>.lpf and the application will starts with LiberkeyPortabilizer

Edit: Check (my) examples of submitted applications (french posts):
John's Background Switcher (scripted with LiberkeyPortabilizer)
Window Hide Tool (scripted with LiberkeyPortabilizer)
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Re: Portabilizing an app and publishing to LiberKey

Messagede kokbira » 13 Janvier 2012, 16:22

I did not tested it but I think that LKL could be launched in any computer, couldn't it?

If so, it will function as a shortcut for app (people will launch it instead of exe inside App folder), and will run without LiberKey installation need, at the same time it will be ready to be used in LiberKey.

Well, does LiberKey menu allow people to add other shortcuts than EXE and LNK? Also does LiberKey menu detect new apps with LPF launchers?

Finishing that, are LKL.exe files created with NSIS according to that last step of LiberKeyPortabilizer Documentation, or "is it in another castle"? I'll see your examples later...
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Re: Portabilizing an app and publishing to LiberKey

Messagede Dji » 13 Janvier 2012, 17:08

You can just create a .bat (or .cmd) which will start the .lpf, the .bat (or .cmd) would be detected by Liberkey using "add/remove from "MyApps" folder" feature.

Example of such file :
Code: Tout sélectionner
..\..\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyPortabilizer\LiberKeyPortabilizer.exe %CD%\<app>.lpf /lkpend
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